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The Big Harvest is an agriculture community fundraising drive benefiting local nonprofit agriculture organizations. Organizations that sign up and participate will be able to fundraise under The Big Harvest and receive a portion of matching funds already committed to the effort, increasing every dollar earned!

The concept is simple. Agriculture organizations in the community will be invited to participate in The Big Harvest beginning September 1, 2024. Participation will be limited to organizations and causes that are focused on agriculture education.


Participants will fundraise during the program period, reaching out to donors to encourage them to donate via The Big Harvest website or by sending their donations to The Big Harvest by mail.  All donations must be designated to an organization and will be tracked and accounted for by The Butte Agriculture Foundation, ensuring no extra burden on the participating organizations! Once the drive is over, all donations will be accounted for and distributed to the participating organizations, with the additional percentage share of the matching funds earned.

The Big Harvest not only provides a fundraising avenue for the agriculture community, but also teaches local organizations how to fundraise, especially youth organizations.


The Big Harvest has already garnered exceptional support from the community and several generous businesses have already donated to the cause to provide the matching funds.


The Big Harvest is governed by the Butte Ag Foundation Board of Directors:

Nick Bertagna


John Blacklock


Larry Bradley


Karen Gundersen


Richard Price



Toni Scott

Big Harvest Chair


Carrie Vanella


To learn more about the Butte Ag Foundation and the Board of Directors, visit the Butte Ag Foundations Website.

What is The Big Harvest?

Call us:

(530) 533-1473

Office Address

3688 Durham Dayton Hwy

Chico, CA 95928

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 360,

Durham, CA 95938

The Big Harvest is a program of the Butte Agriculture Foundation, Inc.

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